Saturday, April 5, 2008

And you will be called transitional man...

Isn't it interesting that people who are rational and careful in one part of their lives can be reckless in another?

Take me for example. I was quite conservative in my dating days. I wouldn't even go a date with someone who wasn't a serious contender. I think it was the right thing for me, and it worked out quite well.

Jobs, on the other hand... I am apparently one of those people who sometimes has bad judgment in "men".

The job I had before this one was a fine job, but it was a lot of work and I knew it wasn't going to work out in the end. I kept on trying and trying to be the perfect girlfriend up until the last second when I had to go. I was really bummed that I hadn't done a better job or tried harder or whatever. I was also physically and emotionally exhausted by the whole thing. It took me a long time to be able to think in terms of dating someone else.

Then came this job. I thought it was going to work out, but in the end, he was just a transitional man. He was messed up in ways that made my neuroses look like child's play. I was the sane, stable, grown up one in the relationship. As time went on, it was more and more clear that no matter how sane and stable I was, he was always going to be messed up. And in the end, one of those self-destructive, taking out all your friends with it, kind of messed up.

So it's with no trepidation that I say adieu to my transitional man.

Yesterday, as the first day without him, I woke up, exercised, shaved my legs, did my hair and make up, ran 100 errands that hadn't gotten done in the past few months and in every way felt like a million bucks! We even had Ben and Sara over for a wonderful dinner! How can I even look back for a moment?

Now I am looking forward. Looking forward to "long term man" and all that he can offer. I am hoping he has a good health plan and 401k, but mostly I hope he's not a wack-a-doo. If you know anyone nice, send him my way.

1 comment:

bebelala said...

Uhhh, so does this mean you quit your job? ;)

For the record, some 'transitional men' work out pretty well. ;)

I've used up my smiley quota for the month, so I guess this is the end of my comment!