Wednesday, July 9, 2008


P went in for his 4 year old check up yesterday. Before he was aware that three shots were coming (and the yelling started) the Dr. and I were discussing all the appropriate things that P should be learning at this age.

Stranger Danger

Home phone number and address

Where to go if there is a fire

Don't touch or take any medicine unless you get it from M&D, even if it looks like yummy candy

Gun Safety - don't touch it or pick it up or even pretend to shoot it


I contained my moral outrage while he was mentioning this and did not inform him that we don't have any sorts of firearms in the house. Ryan didn't even want to get a Star Wars blaster for J no matter how much he begged.

Then I realized that J & P may actually need some knowledge about guns because they will go to someone else's house, and they may not have trigger locks or gun safes. And this is Texas, so it could be anyone's house, even that ultra-liberal college professor that lives in the back yard. You never know.

So, we will be adding a new scary no-no to the list.

1 comment:

Ben W. Brumfield said...

Smart idea. We don't have a gun safe, for example.