Monday, May 5, 2008

That's an Adult Movie

More and more lately we have been talking to the kids about things that are in the grown up world. We refer to these things as "Adult" versions of things they are familiar with:

Adult Lemonade: Margarita
Adult TV: Shows we watch after they go to bed
Adult Movies: This sounds worse than it is, it's just not Dora Saves the Mermaid Kingdom

Since J is 6 and now exposed to older kids at school and aftercare, he's becoming more interested in the world of adults. The other night Ryan and I were watching "How I Met Your Mother" and at one point there was some physical comedy where Barney gets punched in the crotch. Crude, yes, but funny enough to chuckle (and Barney deserved some sort of response from Ted!). As soon as the punch was delivered we heard a big giggle from the doorway. J had been hanging out in the adjacent room covertly watching our Adult TV for a while and was tickled by this scene enough to break cover. We had trouble holding a straight face while we herded what turned out to be both boys back to bed.

The other night at dinner we were recounting our day. Ryan's was about his day at work, J and P their (mostly silent, what's with boys never telling your anything?) school exploits and then I talked about my day. I had spent the day hanging around the house and I exercised while watching Martha Stewart. Martha... someone who used to be a large obsession. I STILL own her stock that I bought on the day she went public (I think I have mentioned here not to take my advice when it comes to investments... so here's a nice graphic illustrating the point...) The funny part was when P asked "What's Martha?" Ryan explained "Martha is like Backyardigans for Mommies", so true.

I have always believed in not limiting TV to just kids shows when they are around... I don't want them to think that all things are for them... but we haven't had the TV on much lately when they are around, so I think we've established the pattern anyways. Will they survive not having seen Martha? Yes. Ryan thinks we should introduce Gilligan's Island (there's some physical comedy for you), but it's not on TV anywhere we can find.

It's Cinco De Mayo... so enjoy some Adult Lemonade!


Unknown said...

I think you're intentionally underestimating how much guffawing was going on, both from us and from Joe, _before_ we realized he was there. I don't even want to think about how hard we were laughing after, because I'll give myself the giggles at work.

mamacita said...

My daughter loves Martha. She will request Martha on the DVR before even Cyberchase. Maybe it's a girl thing, though.

Unknown said...

Martha is like Backyardigans for Mommies -- I love it! Which one is she, though?

bebelala said...

I'm pretty sure Martha is Uniqucula. Can Pablo be Cooper Anderson?

(still giggling over Martha/Backyardigans comment)