Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Star Wars knowledge from waaaaay back

In a galaxy far far away, I watched Star Wars (all 6 episodes in the theater!). I watched it for entertainment value only. While there are a few quotable moments: "Damn, it impacted on the surface"; my favorite is "Luke, I am your Father", "Noooooo! Thatsimpossible!" in my best Nathan Poe imitating Mark Hamil. Makes me laugh everytime... back to my point.

I never thought I would have to be so familiar with the plot points of all the Star Wars movies later in my life. I do not remember what happened in most of the movies let alone if Boba Fett is Jango Fett's son or why Boba Fett needs to get Han Solo or the miriad of other mysteries that come up in the mind of a 3 and 5 year old who have just experienced this phenomenon for the first time.

P and I were walking into daycare the other morning and we were having an elaborate discussion about how Darth Vader had killed Anakin Skywalker, and how Anakin Skywalker AND Darth Vader were Luke Skywalker's father, etc. etc. The esoteric differenced between Vader and Anakin are surprisingly not that difficult for him to grasp. This conversation didn't strike me as that odd (since we have had so many lately) until I passed a father in hall and he started laughing quietly at our conversation.

So, you thought you were immune from the plot points of Goonies? or the Neverending Story? Barbie Island Princess? Well, study up. It's coming. You'll have to know to keep up.

1 comment:

bebelala said...

It is all going exactly according to plan....